Clive Gifford, Eye Benders, The Science of Seeing and Believing

Screen Shot 2017-11-23 at 21.36.14If you are interested in optical illusions and the science of how we see, this little non-fiction book may be a fun way to find out more.  Using clear diagrams to support the text, it will help you to understand what is going on in our eyes and our brains when we look at things. There are also some  interesting optical illusions in the book which you can try out. You will recognise some of the illusions and images we discussed when we looked at optical illusions in art earlier this term (including, for example, the cafe wall.)

One of my favourites is Beuchet’s chair. There are also some funny Screen Shot 2017-11-23 at 21.50.23photographs of a ‘man-eating lady’ and someone ‘carrying the moon’ in a wheelbarrow which use perspective to create trick photos. If you think it might be fun to create your own ‘trick’ photos, this could be a good book to get you started.


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