Marley’s ghost, by Flamingo17

Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 21.52.42Inside Scrooge’s unloving home, an almost insignificant fire was burning at its brightest as he wrapped his thin blanket around him. In the distance, the rusted old church bells rang for Christmas Eve and Scrooge moaned till they left him in peace and alone again. But, sadly for him, he wasn’t.

As Scrooge settled into his chair once again, he heard giggles and whispers from someone or something. The rusted smells of chains were surrounding his room as it got colder and colder. The noises got louder and louder then everything went out except one dim candle. Then a ghostly figure appeared in the crooked hallway.

“Are y…you M…Marley?” stuttered Scrooge.
“Yes!” replied the figure in a dark voice.

Finally, Scrooge got a good look at the figure. He had blood-red eyes, night-black hair and rusted chains with boxes attached to every link and he wore ripped clothes. As he looked around the room, looking for Scrooge, he growled like an angry dog. Then Scrooge finally realised it was the ghost of Jacob Marley…

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