Beowulf defeats Grendel retold by Lion27

Beowulf Shows Hrothgar Grendel ArmSilently, Grendel emerged drooling from the deep, dark forest. He was ready to engage in a fatal brawl. His hideous smile crept across his scaly face. As the poisonous scent of bludgeoned victim’s flesh slid off his merciless claws, he licked his devilish lips. Without hesitation, he demolished the iron-studded hatch only to unleash a merciless slaughter. Soon he was holding Beowulf’s best Geat’s skull as the voice box hung. With only one stamp, his skull was no more… With a hellish scream, he continued his terror reign.

Out of the shadows of the night, Beowulf ran heroically towards Grendel’s path of destruction. The Demon was thinking of adding to his killing spree. The two giants charged at each other. The wrestle began. Beowulf clutched the wretched scaly arm. Within a couple of hours, Grendel’s arm was detached! As he fled into the dark forest, Beowulf hung his bloody arm as a trophy!

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