The Wish (Little Freak) by Octopus34

Father, please listen. I feel trapped in a cave, in chains. I want to be free. I want some wishes – one is fine. Please give  me a chance. Don’t hurt me! I can wish. I’m not a monster. I have a heart and I’m not what you think I am; I’m more. Our shack you call home is a prison: you never let me out at all. Although you feed me and you give me a place to live, I would rather lie on the streets than get whacked, punched and shouted at.

If I had a wish, I would wish to be another person. You treat me like rubbish. You shouldn’t be a father. Mum would have been better than you. Anyone would. I wish for a proper face so no-one would make fun of me or call me names because I would be normal. If I was normal, no-one would complain. I would make things different in my new body. I would not isolated; I would be free. I want to break free!

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1 Response to The Wish (Little Freak) by Octopus34

  1. KW says:

    You have written a passionate wish to show the loneliness the boy is feeling and the unfairness of his treatment. It is clear that if people treated him with respect, his talents would be recognised and he could live a fulfilling, independent life. Well done.

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