Maths Homework for 30.9.15

This week we have been finding out about factors and multiples and then finding out more about prime numbers. We also investigated prime numbers and factors using ‘factors bugs’. You have two jobs to complete at home:
1. Using the blank 100 square you have been given, find the 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100 and shade them in neatly so that you can find them quickly. This grid will be stuck into the back of your maths book, so make it neat so that you can use it.

Remember prime numbers need to have just 2 factors (1 and itself). Think about finding multiples: e.g. the only even number which is a prime number is 2 (every other even number is a multiple of 2). Think through each times table. Which times tables will you need to check? Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 16.05.06

2.  Choose two numbers and create a mathematically accurate and clear, but artistically decorated factor bug for each number. The best ones of these will be laminated and put on display in our classroom. (Remember factor bugs with tails have a factor that needs to be squared, legs show pairs of factors, and the antennae show the factors 1 and itself: prime number factor bugs will only have antennae).

I’m really looking forward to seeing your factor bugs!

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