Homework due Thursday 15th October

We have been learning how to stay safe when we use mobile devices and work/play online. We have begun thinking about how best to present advice to other children (younger or our own age) or to adults (parents and grandparents) to help them remember messages about e-Safety. Over the next couple of weeks we will creating e-Safety cartoons and beginning to plan stories, films and songs to communicate e-Safety messages in an accessible and memorable way.

Can you think of ideas for your cartoon characters? Do you want to have an e-Safety superhero? If so, what would he/she be like? What superpowers could they have? Will you have an e-Safety team of characters with individual particular talents? What about ‘baddies’ in your film/cartoon? Without making the message too scary, how can you make it clear? Your homework is to create at least one idea for your e-Safety project, e.g. a drawing and a name with some character ideas that you will be able to bring in to start cartoon work and then group work next week.

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