Deadly by Nicola Davies

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3 Responses to Deadly by Nicola Davies

  1. KW says:

    Can you tell us a bit more about some of the animals people might be able to find out about in this book?

    • Lemur24 says:

      There are 75 animals mentioned in this book , including humans. Personally, I think Poison Arrow Frogs are the most deadly because if you were living wildly, and you ran out of food, you would probably want to eat one if it was the only thing around and if you eat it, you die. Another successful killer is a spitting cobra as it spits venom into the eyes of anything that threatens to kill it.

      • KW says:

        Great! Thanks for adding this and making this book sound really interesting. Perhaps we should have a poll of which animals we think are most deadly! I wonder whether Nicola Davies and Steve Backshall would agree!

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