This week we we have been looking at large whole numbers and numbers with decimals, practising ordering and rounding skills.
Remember ‘decimal places (d.p.)’ just tells you how many places there are to the right of the decimal point (e.g. 1 d.p. = tenths, 2 d.p. = hundredths or 3 d.p. thousandths).
If you want to practise ordering larger numbers and numbers including decimals, these games may help you.
Can anyone beat our class record so far of 18 points on the ‘Tricky Decimals’ ordering numbers game?
Ordering numbers (several different levels)
Drag the decimals (ordering game)
Ordering decimals (a range of different games including ordering whole numbers and numbers to 1, 2 or 3 decimal places).
Hi I’m on the homework page and I’m not quite sure which one in particular to go on but I’ve had a go on a few, so could you please tell me which one to go on!
Thank You