Linear sequences challenge

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2 Responses to Linear sequences challenge

  1. Meerkat34 says:

    The next number in the sequence is 22.
    The rule is add on 6; start from -2.
    The nth term in the sequence is 6n-8.
    The 100th term in the sequence is 592.
    Jim is wrong because 60 is divisible by 6 and you have to take away 8 which is not divisible by 6.The closest number is 58 because 6 times by 11 is 66 take away 8 equals 58. The next closest is 64 as 72 take away 8 is 64.
    Molly is correct because 6 is even and 8 is even. Even – even is even.

  2. KW says:

    A clear report of your ideas. Well done. It would be worth explaining fully that 6n will always be even (even if n is odd) because you are multiplying n by an even number (6)so 6n must always be even.

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