Homework 8.1.16

Task 1 is to add an entry to the class blog about our robot work.

You should write in full sentences and write at least one paragraph of normal writing. (Use j2e to create a j2webby file.)

You can use ideas of your own, or, perhaps you could think about some of these questions : What did you enjoy? Why? What did you learn? What were you most proud of? Do you think other classes would enjoy a robot day?

TASK 2: due by Wednesday 13th January – Learning challenge.

We have talked about setting ourselves a challenge that will help us to learn something we want to learn and get better at by half term. You need to think what you want to learn and decide how you will do it: what are you going to practice/find out about/do to make sure you reach your goal?

Have the courage to make it a challenge so that you will feel proud when you achieve it, but make sure it is something that is realistic for you to be able to do.

This week, decide on what your personal challenge will be and write a short plan in your homework book to say how you will use one of your homework times to help you reach it over the next four weeks. Set a timetable for what you will do. Will you need help to reach your goal and, if so, who are you going to ask to help you?

Your challenge could be to learn a particular skill (e.g. to get your handwriting joined and neat), it could be to improve your understanding of something particular (e.g. a maths or science topic, or get to grips with something in literacy) or perhaps to read and review a book of your choice; it could be something completely different that you think of!  You MUST have a clear goal, a timetable of what you will do and a clear idea of how you will show what you have learned. I will discuss your challenge with you to agree them with you next week. Your job is to convince me your challenge is a good one that you will enjoy, learn from and feel rightly proud about achieving.

TASK 3: Spellings/Tables to practise

Keep practising tables and spellings. A little bit every day works!

Spellings from the Year 6 list to practise for a test next Friday are:
appreciate            immediate            communicate          accommodate         exaggerate
desperate             conscience            conscious                 ancient                    achieve

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