VE-Day celebrations

IMG_1561Just before the end of the term, we held our ‘VE-Day party’. We dressed up in WW2 clothes and did some WW2 maths. We also had a PT lesson doing drill and found out what it was like to hear an air raid siren. We had to have our gas mask boxes and our ID cards with us all day. In the afternoon we tried some ration food like apple cake made from dried egg and fallen apples from a neighbour’s tree. We also tried spam, corned beef and haslet sandwiches and some of us were brave enough to try home-made carrot jam! We also learned about the last months of the war and why the war was not over properly on VE Day.

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1 Response to VE-Day celebrations

  1. Unicorn says:

    Some of the food was really nice but I didn’t really like the spam and some other things

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