Category Archives: News

Probability Posters

Year 6 have been investigating probability. They tried to discover the probability of scoring
different totals using two (or more) dice with the same number of faces and with different numbers of faces. Some people investigated the distribution of scores by experimenting with dice and some tried to calculate the probabilities. We presented our findings and our understanding of probability as posters. Here are some of the imaginative posters that were produced. Some even included interactive elements and 3D features. Well done Year 6!


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News report: Archbishop visits St. James by Ibis15

Southam ‘Homecoming’ for Archbishop

On Thursday 3rd May, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, visited Southam St. James as part of celebrations for the centenary of Coventry Diocese and also because his children came to the school.

Before he walked through the guard of honour made by Reception, the children thought he was going to be boring but, when they met him properly, they found him very amusing especially from the reactions to his questions. Edward in Year 6 said, “I was very surprised by Archbishop Justin because I expected him to be formal but he was very inspiring and humorous.” Ronnie in Reception asked him, “Are you looking forward to the Royal Wedding?” He replied, “I am excited and nervous because last time I blessed the rings I tilted the Bible and they rolled off and when I looked down at them they were gone!”

Next, the children sang hymns and they read out their own prayers. Having been the old vicar of St. James church and a school Governor, he was glad to see the children’s progress at school and he was astounded by the display of their cross of nails artwork that was in the school hall.

Close to the end, Daniel, age 10, presented the Archbishop with a hand-made Crozier made by Mr. King (the Executive Headteacher’s husband) crafted from the finest wood and buffalo skin. He was delighted by it and said he was going to keep it so he could use it at Lambeth Palace for the Royal wedding. His wife, Caroline, was also given a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

In the end, Year 6 made a guard of honour for Caroline and Justin. In a few weeks, Justin is going to the wedding for Prince Harry and Megan and he is going to use the Crozier from Southam St. James. Hopefully the rings don’t disappear again!

Posted in Literacy, News, pupils, R.E., Year 6 | Leave a comment

News Report of Archbishop Justin Welby’s visit by Penguin23

Local school gets a visit from a celebrity

On the 3rd May, The Archbishop of Canterbury arrived in Southam to visit St. James C.E. Primary School where he had sent his children and was once a governor. When he arrived, he had a warm welcome from the Worship Team (Freya, Thomas, Dan and Ioney) and from Reception before he met many members of the local community.

After a warm welcome from a selected few children, The Archbishop of Canterbury proceeded through to a thoughtfully planned service. To open the assembly, Freya (part of the Worship Team) lit the candle before one of the headteachers, Mrs King, took over. As a special gift for Justin Welby, Mr King made him a crozier from local resources which he is keen to use at Lambeth Palace.

Next came a challenge: several children had prepared taxing questions for the Archbishop of Canterbury to answer. Mrs Welby took all of the lime-light answering one question from Jasmine in Year 5, ‘How did you feel when you got the job?’ Making all of the guests laugh, she explained the ‘phone call which went on forever saying “hello” and “I’ve got it!” At first, she did not know what he had got but then she realised.

Four children from Year 6 were also chosen to say prayers or readings. The two prayers were thoughtfully written by Jack and Minnie and clearly read by Ioney and Thomas. Finally, Rebecca and Chloe read a complex reading from The Bible.

When The Archbishop of Canterbury left, he said, “It has been a pleasure to return and I wish to come back again.” As he left, the path was lined with Year 6 forming a guard of honour. Many of the children will remember this visit for life.

Posted in Literacy, News, pupils, R.E., Year 6 | Leave a comment

News report: Archbishop of Canterbury visit by Panda17

Southam gets a special visitor, The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

Thursday (3rdMay), The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, visited St. James C.E. Primary School in Southam to celebrate the Centenary of Coventry Diocese with them. He had previously been a governor at St. James and at the college. He was also their local vicar.

Reception and Year 6 children welcomed him and his wife, Caroline Welby, as they entered the hall. “It was amazing to see him wearing the cross of nails,” said one Year 6 pupil.

During the service, some children asked him questions. Ellie in Year 2 asked, “Do you ever get nervous before going on the radio or TV?” He replied, “Yes. I also get a bit ‘shouty’ and moan at people a lot. However, I don’t always realise I’m doing it!”

After all the children had asked their questions, they sang some hymns including ‘Chain of Love’ and ‘Jubilate’.

Sadly, the service did not last very long. “It only felt like five minutes,” said a boy from Year 5. After some children had given Justin Welby his crozier, Year 6 pupils formed a guard of honour. “It was the best day ever!” exclaimed Bella from Year 3.


Posted in Literacy, News, pupils, R.E., Year 6 | Leave a comment

‘Squishy circuits’

Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 15.32.55We have been investigating circuits using ‘squishy dough’. Below is a video that explains some of what we discovered this week about series circuitsScreen Shot 2017-12-10 at 15.27.14

Squishy circuits




If you want to know how to make the dough, follow this link:

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Posted in News, pupils, Science, Year 6 | Leave a comment

Using light to save lives: dancing traffic lights!

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Here’s a great way to encourage people to take more notice of traffic lights: engineers in Lisbon have made them dance!

People can dance in front of a camera in a booth and the image gets transferred to the traffic light! Apparently more people are stopping at  the lights and this is helping to make crossings safer. I just wonder if they are still concentrating on the road!!

Click on the image to find out more.

Posted in News, pupils, Science, Year 6 | Leave a comment

Fraction madness!

We’ve been trying out some practical fractions challenges where we had to work out the fractions of different shapes when we had limited information. We investigated the shapes to discover which ones fitted exactly inside other ones. Then we used this information to work out the fraction each of the shapes were as a fraction of the blue square (the largest shape). Only the orange, red and yellow triangles fitted exactly inside the blue square. The other shapes we had to work out by comparing them to the triangles. We eventually discovered that the other shapes were the following fractions of the blue square:
Green square = 1/2                     Orange triangle = 1/4
Red triangle = red square = pink triangle = 1/8
Yellow triangle = 1/32

picture 4Then we set ourselves some more challenges. We had to make some patterns using the different shapes and then work out the fractions of the whole shape each colour represented. The pictures below show some of our challenges. e.g. On this one, there are 10 yellow triangles so we know that yellow is 10/32 = 5/16 of the square. But, the yellow covers some of the red, so we need to work out the red base and then subtract the yellow to find the fraction that is red in the final shape. Then we could finally work out the fraction that is blue… Not as easy as it sounds!

These were tricky for different reasons but some of them are especially tricky because the pattern makes us think we have one fraction for a colour whereas the calculations show something different…. We found out that we always needed to check that the fractions of all the parts added up to make one whole one…

maths fractions

Using the information above, we worked out the fractions of all the colours in this ‘rainbow’ square made by laying other shapes on top of each other on top of the blue square..



fractions picture 3This was another tricky one: We needed to check the information we started with very carefully to solve this one…



Fractions picture 2This one was especially tricky as the layout suggests that there are only three colours in the shape, but we discovered that there were, in fact, four… We ended up finding the fraction of the (almost) hidden colour too…


Posted in Maths, Maths Challenges, News, pupils, Year 6 | Leave a comment

Memories of Coventry Blitz by Mongoose29

Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 22.33.14It was a very calm night. I could see the full moon out of the window. The children were in bed and I was playing cards with my co-workers. Half the time, we were called out to cities like London because we had to make sure no-one got hurt when the Germans were bombing. All of a sudden, the deafening sound of the air raid siren echoed around the city…

My friends rushed to their houses to put on their uniforms and I dashed upstairs. As quickly as possible, I put on my navy warden uniform and went to wake the children up. When they were safely in the shelter, I directed lots of people to there too. Then I saw a small German plane lit up in the spotlight…

The planes were dropping things but not bombs; they were dropping flares. They were lighting the city up. We all were crowded together in the small shelter. I felt like a mole under the ground with humans stomping above us and all you could smell was death and smoke. We all just sat there hoping the next bomb you heard didn’t come through the roof; luckily, none did. The whole entire city was in flames so the next wave of German bombers could see exactly where to go. The worst part about it was we were standing in water — some of it from people’s tears but most of it from the burst copper pipes. It was so hard to see; the only light was coming from my small lamp. Lots of people were bumping into each other and falling into the thick layer of water.

Happy to be alive, we all left the shelter. The first sounds I heard were crying and gasping: the whole city was falling apart. Dust covered everything and there was no colour; the water was flowing down the roads and the ancient cathedral was destroyed. Even the parts that still stood were boiling hot…

Posted in News, pupils, Topic (History and Geography), Year 6 | 1 Comment


If you would like to discover more about elephants (and other endangered animals), this website for the World Wildlife Fund has lots of interesting information on it. This is where I found out all about chilli dung bombs, elephants’ ‘hearing’ feet, right and left tusks as well as all their incredible behaviours to care for each other that we discussed in assembly today. Click on the picture to find out more.

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Posted in News, pupils, R.E., Science, Year 6 | Leave a comment

Maths games on J2e

Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 08.34.16There are some fun maths games to practise arithmetic skills and times tables that you can access via our j2e links. You need to be logged on to your Welearn365 account first for these to work. Try these out and see how far you can climb the hall of fame!

Click on the picture to go to the game menu.


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